A special offer for all attendees who enroll at full retail price for the CEH, ECSA, & CHFI courses will receive a FREE Storm Mobile Security Toolkit, which features a 7 inch Touch Screen with a combined ARM Quad Core System, with a custom Kali Linux pre-built and ready to boot and hack.
Both courses will include special Industry Usage Tips for incorporating a Mobile Security Toolkit for your Penetration Testing Assignments.
Note: The Mobile Security Toolkit is a cool add-on but it is not required to take the course or pass the cert exam. Everyone in the CEH, ECSA, & CHFI courses will learn how to deploy Mobile Hacking Systems and Pen Test Mobile Technologies as part of the curriculum.
However should you decide to pick one up, you will be eligible to participate in the CEH, ECSA, & CHFI Hacker Halted Mobile Storm Chaser CTF competition.
CEH, ECSA, & CHFI students who choose to participate in the CTF competition will be presented with an unknown network target range. They will need to bypass multiple defensive decoys and barriers in order to capture the final King Pawn Token.
Preparation Workshop: September 9th directly after class.
STORM Chaser CTF: September 10th directly after class.
Entry Rules
1: 4 Hour Time Limit.
2: Not a team competition- individuals in each class will compete in the CTF.
3: Tools: Only Storm Mobile Security Toolkit Allowed
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50