Featured Speaker: Mauro Cáseres Eldritch

Mauro Eldritch is an Argentine Hacker & Speaker, Founder of BCA and DC5411.

He was a Speaker at DEF CON (six times!), ROADSEC (LATAM’s biggest security conference), DEVFEST Siberia, DragonJAR Colombia (biggest spanish-speaking conference in LATAM), P0SCON Iran, Texas Cyber Summit and EC-Council Hacker Halted among other conferences (25+).

In the past, he worked for many government organisms such as Ministry of Security, Federal Revenue Administration, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Production and both SecBSD & FreeBSD Projects.

Abstract: COVID-1984: Propaganda and Surveillance during a Pandemic

What does a propaganda apparatus look like from the inside? How do groups dedicated to setting trends and censoring the opposition party? What if we infiltrate a sock puppet account to understand all this better? What if… and only what if… we identify whos running it in the shadows?

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